First impression: nice look and easy to understand. At the start we are given two options: Creating a new web gallery or modifying an existing one. The last three modified web galleries are shown also. Not buying the program and using it as a trial version means watermarked images. But let's start creating before we buy and choose to create a new web gallery.
Creating a new album and adding images is all working smoothly. Adding multiple images is possible by selecting items with the control key. Selecting and adding images is no problem. When clicking on "preview" a problem occurs. No preview is showing up but we see a new panel with new options like: "choose from the build in themes". But on clicking on the different themes, there is still no preview visible. A bug? In the upper menu we do not find any hint there should be built-in themes at all. Maybe the help file offers help. Unfortunately, the help file is only a repetition of what every user already knows within a few minutes of using the program.
The web gallery builder from Upclock offers very little possibilities and has no extras compared to an open-source (free) program like Jalbum. The trial version, which I used with Windows Vista, showed bugs in preview mode which made it very hard to try this program in all aspects.